“Fear takes root…” Standing Woman is a dystopian horror about a near future where the government, rather than imprisoning criminals or deporting immigrants, turns them into trees as part of an insidious environmental campaign. Based on the short story by internationally acclaimed writer, Yasutaka Tsutsui, author of Paprika and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Standing Woman is a cautionary tale of a world that has edged into bio-fascism. The story follows Tom (Anton Thompson – Tyrant) a propaganda filmmaker working for the government as he wrestles with the recent ‘planting’ of his wife Mari (Yuriri Naka – Kingsman: The Golden Circle) for making seditious comments, and embarks on an emotional journey to say a final goodbye. On his journey he will encounter others affected by this regime (Joanne Mitchell – Bait & Andrew Dunn – Dinner Ladies) whilst wrestling with the guilt he carries for his wife’s fate. Featuring incredible depictions of a populace being slowly vegetised by a production team who have worked on the likes of Censor, Doctor Who, Peaky Blinders and Victoria, the vision presented in Standing Woman is one that is eerily close to reality.